Fix: Fallout 4 Mods Not Working- Best Ways In 2022

How To Fix Fallout 4 Mods Not Working

Are you annoyed by these Fallout 4 Mods not working errors? Well, we all are! It is one of our worst nightmares to open a game like fallout 4 to have fun but instead, you are welcomed with an error. We all can relate to this as fallout 4 has shown us many errors in the past months. But don’t worry! You are not the only one facing these errors. Thousands of players complain about it online.

You might have tried different solutions from the internet or suggested by your buddies. But none of them seems to work! But don’t worry, you don’t have to look for new solutions as you are on the right webpage. In this blog, we are going to give you the best solutions for the fallout 4 not working error along with the top reasons for this error to occur. So stick to this blog!

Reasons for Fallout 4 Mods Not Working

Many things can make this error occur. But we have collected the best reasons that are the same for most of the players facing the error. So let’s see them one by one!

Corrupted Mod

The first and the most common reason for your Fallout 4 mods not working is a corrupted mod. When one or more mod files are corrupted then it can trigger a different type of error. These files should be repaired or reinstalled to fix the working of the mod manager.

Not Providing Full Access

If you have not provided complete administration controls and firewall access to the mod manager then it will also cause you problems. These files are important to run the mods so you must have them as required.

Not Configuring Files as Required

Some INI files require configuration according to your mod manager so if they are not configured you are likely to see errors.

Outdated Mod Manager

If your Nexus mod manager is not updated then you will see errors and this can only be fixed once you have updated the mod manager.

Bad Internet Connection

The last common reason for Fallout 4 mods not working is an unstable internet connection. Without a stable connection, you will face problems.

How can I Fix the Fallout 4  Mods Not Working Error?

There are many ways to fix this error depending on the problem. So you can use the following solutions to fix the fallout 4 mods error.

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Solutions 1- Allow Firewall Access

The first solution is to give complete firewall access to the mod manager.

  • Open your Windows settings and go to System and Security> Windows Firewall.
  • Then choose to Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall.
  • Then look for the Nexus mod manager and Fallout 4 and make sure you have allowed them firewall access.

Lastly, try to run the mods they should run fine now.

Solution 2- Run as Administrator

The next solution is to run the Nexus mod manager as an administrator. This will give the necessary options to the mod manager and you will not see errors.

  • Go to the file manager and look for the Nexus mod manager file.
  • Then right-click on it and select properties.
  • After that, go to compatibility mode and select Run this Program as Administrator. Click on OK.

Then try to run the Fallout 4 mods and check for the error. If you still see an error then follow the next solution.

Solution 3- Configure INI Files

The next solution is to configure the INI files. If you don’t know how it is done then follow the given instructions.

  • Open the File Explorer. Then go to Documents> Games> Fallout 4
  • Open the fallout4custom.ini file by right-clicking on it.
  • Then edit the file on a notepad and paste this code there.


  • Then save the file.
  • Then open the properties of the fallout4custom.ini file by right-clicking on it.
  • Then head to the General tab and un-tick the read-only attribute box.
  • Then again open the fallout 4 folder and look for a file named fallout4prefs.ini file. Edit this file on the notepad and paste this code.


  • Lastly, save the file and check for the error.

Solution 4- Re-install the Mod Manager

The last solution that we recommend to fix the Fallout 4 mods not working error is to re-install the mod manager. This will update it and restore any corrupted or deleted files. We recommend this solution only when the above give solutions don’t work for you.


This blog features the top solutions to fix the Fallout 4 mods not working issue. If you are also facing them then apply the given solutions carefully. We have also discussed the main reasons for this issue. Lastly, I hope that your error is fixed by now. If you know any other effective solutions then tell us in the comments!

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